• Julia Quiterio: “Doping could damage not only your health, but as well your sport career”

Julia Quiterio: “Doping could damage not only your health, but as well your sport career”

10 August 2017 Sergei Grishin
Julia Quiterio: “Doping could  damage not only  your health, but as well  your sport career”

Full score 10 out of 10 - this was the result of Julia Quiteiro, athlete from Dominican Republic, obtained in WADA Quiz which was prepared for all athletes during the  Pan-American SAMBO Championships in Colombia. The silver medallist participated in the Anti-Doping educational program organized by FIAS in joint collaboration with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Julia’s joy of the successful test was estimated at its true worth by FIAS Instagram followers. An additional reason for this kind of emotions was the fact that Julia became the first participant of the program who reached the highest result. How she did it?

– I think I scored 10 points due to the fact that there is a lot of information against doping  provided to the athletes in my country. Moreover, I am studing medicin at  University, and knowledge which I gained during my studies, helped me a lot. However, before the electronic quiz  I did not know about the existence of the WADA Prohibited List. But now I know.

Хулия Китерио

Is there any space for doping in sport?

– I believe that athletes should not use doping. Doping could damage not only to your health, but as well your sport career. That is why such an educational program organized  by FIAS is  needed. It helps to the athletes, who have limited information about the doping, , to gain new knowledge and experiences. I also believe that it is useful to offer this education to coaches and people around the athletes, because then they understand the risks of the doping and can help them to fight against it.

For participation in WADA Quiz, you receive a special t-shirt...

– Yes, T-shirt I won  as a prize for correct answers, I will wear during my fights. Unfortunately, the smallest available size was still too big for me. But I am going to wear it anyway, because I PLAY TRUE!

Хулия Китерио

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