• Policemen in Niger Will Be Trained in SAMBO Techniques

Policemen in Niger Will Be Trained in SAMBO Techniques

30 May 2018 Aleksandr Solomahin
Policemen in Niger Will Be Trained in SAMBO Techniques

Recruits of the Niger police, as well as some special forces squads, will take training courses in self-defense without weapons (SAMBO). The corresponding agreement has been reached between the Niger SAMBO Federation and the National School of Police.

A special room has already been allocated for SAMBO classes. Soon it will be equipped with sambist mats.

‘At the meeting with Mr. Mahaman Lawaly Madougou, Police Department Commissaire and Director of the National School of Police, we have explained that SAMBO is a kind of martial art that from its very inception had been actively used by the intelligence services, the army and the police,’ said Secretary General of the Niger SAMBO Federation Hamidou Alzouma. ‘A rich arsenal of techniques and the applied nature of SAMBO have caught the interest of the policemen, so it was decided to start the appropriate training. I am confident that the introduction of SAMBO to the national police will play a positive role in the promotion of our sport in Niger.’

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