• Who will judge the Championship and European Sambo Championship 2015 among Youths?

Who will judge the Championship and European Sambo Championship 2015 among Youths?

15 March 2015 Sergei Grishin
Who will judge the Championship and European Sambo Championship 2015 among Youths?

The European Sambo Championship among Youths will start in Serbia in a month. Novi Sad will receive the Old World’s young sambo talents from 16th to 20th of April. Thereafter, “adult” European sambo athletes will reveal the winner at the continental championship in Croatian Zagreb on May 14–18. While sportsmen and coaches are preparing to the tournament and get up for rivals, they have an opportunity to find out the names of those who will judge the competitions. We would like to remind that all international competitions are judged according to the updated sambo rules in 2015.

The judges of the European Sambo Championship among Youths and Juniors 2015

The judges of the European Sport and Combat Sambo Championship 2015

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