In Argentina they actively studying Sambo

11 July 2015 Sergei Grishin
In Argentina they actively studying Sambo

FIAS’s site has already told about the plans of the Association of Sambo and Combat Sambo of Argentina to hold a series of training seminars for athletes, coaches and servicemen. The representatives of the Argentine sambo report directly from the stage of events how this plan is turning to reality.

One of the seminars on sport and combat sambo took place in Argentina from July 2 to 5. In the event participated some coaches from the cities of Rosario, Resistencia and Moreno, as well as military personnel who promote sambo in the Argentine army. The training consisted of theoretical and practical parts, so the participants were able to significantly improve their knowledge of sambo and gain some additional skills.

"At the end of the seminar all participants received certificates of instructors that are the first and indispensable step for obtaining the right to give classes of sambo in Argentina. Next seminars will be held for representatives of the cities of San Juan and Concepción del Uruguay", - said the President of the Association of Sambo and Combat Sambo of Argentina Juan Pablo Melo.

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